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Part 1:  “The Glue that Holds Relationships Together”

LSA 1Living Single Again assumes normal people will seek another relationship.  The glue that will hold a new relationship together for life is love. In this video, that glue is developed from five Greek concepts for love.  A simple tool for monitoring love is offered and a step-by-step guide is given to permanently cement a new relationship.   

Part 2: “Why Do Relationships Come Unglued?”

LSA 2“Why didn’t my glue stick?”  This video offers seven possible reasons.  An examination is made of “HOW” relationships come unglued so each viewer can see the signs of failure in the future.  Suggestions follow on how to secure a future relationship.


Part 3: “How to Super-Glue Your Next Serious Relationship”

LSA 3Three ingredients that all begin with the letter “U” may be added to your glue, increasing its bonding power.  In this video the emphasis is placed on how to APPLY the love-glue to your relationship in such a way that it will become a super bond.


Part 4:  “Establishing Parameters to Successfully Glue a Relationship”

LSA 4There are parameters in which relationships bond best.  This video explores those parameters and offers ways to discover and establish parameters to make your next relationship successful. 

Part 5: “Testing the Glue"

LSA 5Dating tests the glue before permanently bonding as a couple.  With parameters in place, dating will have a whole new purpose.  We call this "purpose driven dating."  This video will focus on "purpose driven dating" and what to watch out for in dating.


Part 6: “Keeping the Glue Pure”

LSA 6One sure way to ruin a relationship is to adulterate the glue with impurities.  Not only will you ruin the relationship but you will carry excessive guilt.  This video focuses on both “Why Remain Sexually Pure” and “How to Remain Sexually Pure.”   


Part 7: “Eliminating Toxins from the Glue”

LSA 7Like lead in paint--some glue is toxic.  There are two prevalent toxins among singles: the “Singleness is Bad” toxin and the “Happily Married Ever After” toxin.  Detoxifying your glue will leave you far healthier for future relationships.